
Join the Conversation…

30POV is revamping the way we accept submissions! Below are the themes for our next 3 planned issues along with the corresponding deadlines*.

To submit a piece, choose a month/theme from the list below, and email your submission prior to the deadline listed.

Note: 30POV is not just for writers! Any medium can be submitted, whether a photograph, illustration, music (video or audio), spoken word, comic strip, etc. The sky’s the limit as far as we’re concerned! 

Please read this entire guide before submitting.

*Look–I hate deadlines as much as the next Creative and–tbh–I’m the least likely to meet the ones I set. And yet… how do we maintain integrity and a regular publishing schedule without these blasted things???
Here’s my advice. TRY to meet the deadline. I mean, really really really try. If, for whatever very good “I have a life” reason, you miss the deadline, send me an email and I’ll give it to you straight. You might still have a shot at being included. You might be up shit’s creek, as they say. But if you don’t ask, I can’t say Yes.

Upcoming Themes:

Spring 2021
“You Too?”

Summer 2021
America’s Next Top ____________

Fall/Winter 2021

Down & Dirty:

Monthly Themes are meant more as writing prompts then boxes to get in and then close the lid over your head so that no one ever sees you again.

Write in any style, as long as its yours. Heavy quoting requires heavy citation-ing. Sometimes this is a part of your style and that’s okay. sometimes this happens because of laziness and, if that’s the case, I Sincerely Hope You Rot In Hell.

We publish non-fiction, fiction, commentary, humor, comic strips and poetry (when we can get it!). We are also interested in expanding our article formats, particularly into the world of graphic design and/or media-centric responses. (See “Note” Above!)

There are no length restrictions or requirements. Ramblings are just as fun as laconic musings.

Accompanying photographs or illustrations are encouraged; however, they must either be in the public domain or belong to you. We ain’t getting fined over yo’ dumb ass.

If you don’t submit anything, your work probably won’t get published.

There’s no age restriction for submitees (!), and our audience covers a wide demographic range.  We’re neither conservative nor liberal; optimistic nor realistic; high nor low. We’re just us. And we love ourselves exactly as we are.

Boring, but Necessary:

Submission should be sent to as an ATTACHMENT for the love of Gawd. Alternatively, email us a link to your file saved on Dropbox or Google Drive. It’s so 21st century, man.

Please entitle your work and make it clear which month/theme you are submitting for.

Include the following with your submission: name, age, desired username for the site, bio, headshot/selfie/avatar icon.

By submitting your work, you grant exclusive one-time rights to publish your work as a guest contributor. There is no monetary compensation offered or implied for these submissions, nor do we guarantee that your work will be selected or published.

If you’re chosen, you’ll be notified. If editing is required, you’ll be notified. If Lee Lee gets pregnant again, you’ll be notified. J/K–this is never happening. Doctor’s Orders!

We don’t guarantee an emailed response to those whose submissions aren’t chosen. #sorrynotsorry

Obligatory Final Thought: is a creative, collaborative blog’zine that depends on quality writing, word-of-mouth & social media marketing, and sustained dialogs to maintain its presence, widen its audience and—eventually—dominate the webosphere/world. All contributors are expected to comment & share on the work we publish. Otherwise, what’s the point?

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January 2021
What We've Learned